Like nervous parents watching a baby take those first tenuous steps, we launched a few weeks ago. Our concerns were to be expected: Would this site dedicated to providing good, practical healthcare information be able to stand on its own or would it wobble, stagger and come crashing down?
Well, thanks largely to your enthusiastic response, we’re happy to report that our “brainchild,” if you will, is off and running … and we couldn’t be prouder!
We introduced because of a simple belief: that because health care is both personal and universal, it dominates much of our thinking, not to mention our conversations.
Consider this: In just the past week, how many times did you think about, hear about, read about or talk about some aspect of health with a member of your family, your doctor, friend, neighbor, coworker—or in the case of, uh, more mature individuals like me—yourself? (The scary part is that lately I not only talk to myself a lot, but I also find myself arguing with myself. And losing most of the arguments!)
Problem is, as medical advancements have progressed and interest has increased exponentially, so has the amount of misinformation out there. draws on decades of experience Daniel Casciato and I have garnered. We have been covering health care—and separating fact from fiction—since a time when the Internet was just a gleam in Al Gore’s eye. We not only reported on it, but we have lived it. From the good times (the birth of children and grandchildren) to the nuisance times (root canals and colonoscopies) to the bad times (major surgeries and cancer diagnoses in relatives), we understand the crucial and critical role health issues play in our lives, for our entire lives.
(I’m reminded of the old Jackie Mason joke: My grandfather always said, “Don’t watch your money; watch your health.” So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.)
The response to has already been tremendous. We seem to have made an instant connection with healthcare practitioners and consumers alike who are in search of logical choices about sound medical decisions based on the latest information. Practitioners appreciate us as a dependable, proven way to disseminate good information. Consumers appreciate that information, delivered in a way that is easy to access, easy to understand and easy to employ.
We think we’re off to a good start, but it’s only the beginning. will continue to grow as a resource to you and our community as long as there is a need for a fresh approach to healthcare information delivered by people with a track record of commitment and success in providing that information. In that way, really is the best of both worlds.
But like healthcare tips shared over the backyard fence, will remain relevant and helpful just as long as YOU access our site, contribute to it and share it with others. So if you haven’t already, please “friend” us on Facebook, sign up for our email blasts and share the link to our site with your friends. For those of you who have already done any or all of these, we offer a great big THANK YOU! was created to deliver good, practical and reliable healthcare information so that we can enjoy a healthy community filled with well-informed, healthy individuals. To that end, we encourage your participation and we welcome your comments to help us keep improving our effort.
P.S. Please share this with your friends and family. And if you haven’t done so yet, please also like our Facebook Page.