Although many people may already use honey to help with the common cold, they may not realize they’re practicing apitherapy. Apitherapy is a term for the use of bee products to treat health conditions and strengthen the immune system.
While apitherapy is not an official medical practice, the belief in bee products as a powerful and effective treatment for colds and allergies is practiced by many and has an extensive history.
To learn more about some of the different bee products and their uses—as well as their health benefits—continue reading our blog below.
One of the most common bee products sold to both commercial and residential customers is honey. Although honey is primarily used as an ingredient to add a sweet flavor to your favorite foods, this syrup also has various health benefits.
For example, people can add honey to their tea and other hot beverages to coat sore throats and relieve inflammation. The incredible levels of natural antioxidants and vitamins in honey make this syrup a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial treatment.
Bee Pollen
A lesser-known bee product used to treat common conditions and colds is bee pollen. Bee pollen consists of granules of flower pollen collected by bees that are mixed with bee saliva and nutrient-rich minerals. Those who practice apitherapy will add bee pollen to foods as a daily nutrient source to their meals.
Bee pollen is sold as a bee health product because apitherapy believes ingesting small amounts of bee pollen each day will reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Most seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, result from pollen irritating the eyes and nose, so bee pollen supplements may help build resistance to these irritants over time.
Bee Venom
Most people take precautions to avoid contact with bee venom at all costs. Bee stings can be painful and may even cause allergic reactions. However, bee venom has several different natural properties that could benefit your health without the piercing sting. You can find products that use bee venom for lotions, facial moisturizers, and even cough drops in many apitherapy stores.
The most important compounds found in bee venom are melittin and phospholipase. Melittin has been shown to have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Phospholipase has also been highly studied for its anti-inflammatory effects. However, this amino acid is also a major allergen and can create inflammatory reactions as well.
To stay safe, always consult with a healthcare provider before testing any bee products to avoid allergic reactions or conditions. While gaining more popularity, apitherapy is still learning more about the different bee products and their uses, as well as how these products affect human health.