Different Types of Protein Powders for Your Diet

Different Types of Protein Powders for Your Diet

Wanting to get some additional protein can be a good thing and has many benefits. Protein may be able to help you out, whether you’re trying to build muscle, lose weight, or create healthier eating habits. Many add protein powders to smoothies, yogurt, baked goods, or water to get some much-needed nutrients. Here are a few different types of protein powders for your diet that can help you make smart dietary decisions.

Egg Protein

Eggs are naturally a great source of protein, so incorporating their powdered form into your meals can give you that extra boost. A significant advantage of eggs is that their natural composition helps reduce hunger and can help control your appetite—egg protein pairs well with carbs and fiber for the best results. However, because most manufacturers create egg protein powder from egg whites, you may not feel as full if you ate eggs with the yolk, which is a large source of healthy fats.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the natural proteins that come from milk, alongside casein protein. Whey protein frequently helps increase muscle mass and is popular with bodybuilders and athletes who are easing back into a training regimen. One of the things that you need to know about whey protein is that while it is effective, its natural composition contains lactose. Some people have trouble digesting lactose and may need to be careful when using whey protein powders.

Pea Protein

Peas are another one of the different types of protein powders you can add to your diet. Many vegetarians or vegans prefer this option because pea protein is highly effective without containing any animal products. Pea protein generally works slower than certain animal proteins but is still an effective option for improving muscle thickness and may help lower blood pressure. However, there have been fewer studies on the natural effects of pea protein over egg and dairy proteins, so further research is necessary to fully understand the beneficial impacts of this plant-based alternative.