As a healthcare practitioner, you often find yourself constantly looking for ways to improve your patients’ wellness, whether that be with medication or lifestyle changes. For natural methods, in addition to recommending dietary changes and regular exercise, you may also want to recommend botanical supplements. Read on to learn how botanical supplements can improve patients’ health.
Help Patients Release Stress
Life can be rather taxing and stress inducing, but botanical supplements can help people cope. For example, patients can use the ashwagandha root to help them manage their stress. This supplement can also help them improve their sleep quality, which is very important to their mental and physical well-being.
Make Patients Stronger
Another way botanical supplements can improve patients’ health is by strengthening areas of the human body that could use some extra reinforcement. For example, supplements can boost the health of your patients’ minds and joints.
Supplement the Fight Against Illness
Botanical supplements can strengthen patients’ immune systems, helping to prevent illness. However, there will always be the possibility that certain illnesses can slip by the immune system, especially during cold and flu season. Luckily, some supplements can also help your patients cope with the severity of the symptoms. These supplements include the Andrographis herb or elderberry syrup. Although your patients should not use these as prescription replacements, they will find the maladies easier to bear with the supplements’ help.
If you think your patients could benefit from botanical supplements, bring the option to their attention. You should inform them on what to expect when first taking botanical supplements and what specific supplements will be best for them. And of course, ensure the supplements won’t pose a risk to the patient due to allergies or other medication.