The Most Dangerous Health Conditions To Avoid

The Most Dangerous Health Conditions To Avoid

Though waking up in your early thirties with back and knee pain seems to come with the territory, this may leave us less motivated to do what’s necessary to take care of ourselves. There are many conditions and diseases that we can develop throughout our lifetime. Some we have control over, while others are unfortunately genetic.

One thing seems common regarding the development, maintenance, and treatment of a variety of health issues. Proper diet, exercise, water intake, and rest will decrease risks in most situations. Here are a few of the most dangerous health conditions to avoid. Hopefully, knowledge of potentially serious health issues will allow you to act in ways that can slow or eliminate the effects of such ailments.

Heart Disease

Though heart disease can be hereditary, high blood pressure and cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes all contribute to this condition. It’s the leading cause of death in the US and refers to several types of heart conditions. A healthier lifestyle severely decreases the risk of developing this disease.


Strokes occur when there is a blockage or leak in an artery in your brain. Without immediate intervention, a stroke can cause long-term disabilities or death due to oxygen deprivation. Risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, and certain oral contraceptives. However, some risk factors are genetic, such as race, gender, and family history. When caught early, therapy after a stroke can help a person regain lost mobility.

Pulmonary Disease

Pulmonary disease affects the lungs and respiratory system. Possible causes are smoking, second-hand smoke, air pollution and toxins, and infections such as prolonged bronchitis. It’s another disease where you can decrease your risks with healthier habits. The best treatment is to avoid smoke inhalation and use progression-slowing medications to provide comfort.


Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect the production of insulin as well as its use. In type 1, the pancreas cannot produce insulin, whereas, in type 2, it either produces too little or what it makes is unusable. Type 1 often develops in juveniles and is a chronic condition. Type 2, on the other hand, often results from obesity, poor diet, high blood pressure, old age, and a lack of exercise.


Cirrhosis often follows excessive alcohol consumption over a prolonged period. Cirrhosis can also result from kidney disease or hepatitis. The liver filters the blood in the body, and without that ability, the blood will become more and more poisonous. An additional risk factor could be the accumulation of fat around the liver.

Unfortunately, there are many health conditions to be aware of, and it’s important to make strides to prevent prematurely developing them. We never know which of the most dangerous health conditions to avoid we may not be able to outrun. Some things are hereditary, and some are progressive after a diagnosis. The better you care for your body, the more likely you can put off these issues for as long as possible.