The Ultimate Guide to Staying Active on Vacation

A woman with a ponytail dressed in activewear is seen running up a hill with a snowy mountain in the background.

Vacations are a time to relax, yes, but some of us feel like a wreck if we don’t work out every day. Thankfully, every vacation, however laid back, comes with an opportunity to stay active. Whether you work in a power walk, hike a mountain, or simply find time to visit the hotel health center, there are ways to exercise away from home. Here’s the ultimate guide to staying active on vacation.

Keep Moving!

Staying active on vacation keeps you feeling healthy and energized while enjoying your time away. Physical activity can boost your mood, improve your sleep, and counterbalance any vacation treats you indulge in. Furthermore, walking, biking, and engaging in outdoor sports offers a more authentic and immersive way to explore a new location. Here are a few suggestions for getting the most out of your trip while staying in shape.

Plan Physical Activities

It’s nice to lounge on the beach or by the pool, reading, chatting, or catching a snooze. But mix that up with physical activity. Most high-end hotels and resorts provide on-site opportunities to play sports, practice yoga, and work out. Look beyond your destination’s typical tourist attractions as well. For example, Hawaii is more than beaches and tropical drinks. Hawaii has multiple hiking trails that take you over and past volcanic craters, rainforests, waterfalls, and other natural wonders. See more of the place you’re visiting, and keep active while you’re at it by exploring it on foot. And speaking of going on foot….

Walk Whenever You Can

Sometimes you need to drive, but for the most part, ditch your rental, and depend on shoe leather to see the sights. Walking is the easiest and best way to explore and stay in shape. Neighborhoods, marketplaces, parks, and natural wonders are best enjoyed up close and personal. Get your steps in while getting more out of the local culture and discovering hidden treasures you might have just driven by.

Pack for Activity

Don’t forget to pack your workout gear. Having running shoes, lightweight or thermal activewear, and a water bottle keeps you ready for action. Search for outdoor activities in advance to see what your destination offers in terms of exercise and wellness opportunities. Pack for these specifically.

Water Sports

If there’s a beach, pool, or lake where you’re going, there’s an opportunity to swim, dive, or do water aerobics. Look for other water-based activities as well, like kayaking, paddleboarding, and snorkeling. These are great for cardiovascular health and building endurance.

That’s our ultimate guide to staying active on vacation. Taking it easy doesn’t mean giving up your healthy routine. There are more chances for workouts to be fun and challenging while you’re in a new place. Incorporate these ideas into your vacation plans to stay fit and make memories that last a lifetime!