Ways To Manage Different Kinds of Headaches

Ways To Manage Different Kinds of Headaches

A bad headache can prevent you from enjoying your day. When you need to get rid of a headache fast, it helps to know which type you’re experiencing. Uncover how to determine which one you’re experiencing and ways to manage different kinds of headaches. Stay in the game when you take care of your physical and mental health.

Sinus Headaches

Often accompanied by other cold symptoms, sinus headaches can cause pain in the front of your head. You may feel pain in your cheekbones and upper nose when you have a sinus infection. To treat it, you want to relieve pressure by reducing inflammation. Place a warm, damp towel on your face to increase humidity. This will help loosen mucus to reduce pressure.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches cause pain around all parts of the head. You may feel a dull ache rather than an acute throbbing. Still, your head, neck, and shoulders may be tender. The most common trigger for tension headaches is stress. Practicing relaxation techniques is the best way to combat tension headaches. Listen to your body and relax when you need to. Additionally, you can try yoga to relieve tension in your body.

Cluster Headaches

A throbbing pain behind your eye or one side of the head may indicate a cluster headache. You may experience a series of them that could last from a few minutes to several hours per episode. The cause of cluster headaches may be sinus related, but medical professionals are unsure why they happen. Still, you can treat them with pain relievers and medications your doctor prescribes.


The difference between cervicogenic headaches (CGHs) and other types is that they start at the neck and extend up into the head. The main causes of CGH are fatigue, stress, and poor posture. You may find it difficult to move your head and neck if you have a CGH due to inflammation and strain. Treatment includes physical therapy to reduce tension.


Many people consider any difficult headache to be a migraine, but there’s a difference. Migraines cause throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. Many people experience preemptive symptoms—or auras—such as blurred vision and sensitivity to light. A migraine is often accompanied by nausea, and pain can last for hours or days. Causes may be genetic or due to high stress such as PTSD. If your migraines become severe, talk to a specialist about medications.

Headaches are often signs that something is wrong in your body. Whether it’s inflammation, dehydration, or stress, it helps to understand the ways to manage different kinds of headaches. You can follow the same treatments to prevent one from happening in the first place.