Throughout the year, Lake Oconee Health features fresh, in-depth, and relevant health information for our readers.
Our guest experts and staff writers cover the whole continuum of care. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men’s health, women’s heath, and pediatrics. If your business crosses into any part of the health care sector, you should make it your business to be a regular part of Lake Oconee Health.
Bylined Articles
Contributed articles from guest experts should be 700 words or less, be educational and informative, and take a specific angle about something in the related field, rather than an advertisement of an organization.
Please note that all links are converted to no-follow.
The article should be information-based and should not contain advertorial content.
Bylined articles should be sent in as a Word (PC) or Pages (Mac) document and written in the third-person, unless the submission is an opinion piece approved by the editor. Include an author bio (50 words or less) as well as contact information for the readers (i.e. phone number, email, and/or your website). Please also send a digital photo of the author or a photo relevant to the piece (300 dpi), along with a cutline.
Calendar of Events
Have a special event coming up? Any seminars or clinics the readers should be aware of? Send us the name of the event; location; dates; and contact information.
Press Releases
We encourage you to send your press releases on breaking news, awards, new hires, promotions, and other things that your organization is proud and excited to announce. We welcome and encourage photos (300 dpi) with submissions. All press releases should offer a clear, thorough description of your product or service. If your product or service is not healthcare specific, it is helpful to tell us how it is applicable to the healthcare community.
We encourage photos with article and/or press release submissions. Photos should be at least 5″ wide and 200 dpi. Head shots should be at least 2″ wide and 300 dpi. Also, be sure to include the cutline. Finally, please send any images as separate files and not embedded in your article document or in an email.
The beauty of a digital publication is that we publish news 24/7. However, because of the volume of press releases and articles we receive on a weekly basis, we try to post your news within 48 hours of receiving it. Email your content to Daniel Casciato at
Social Media Channels
If you have news that must be distributed immediately, we’ll post it on our social media accounts-LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Combined, we have 6,000+ key connections.
Topics we plan to cover on a regular basis include:
We will consider any topic during the year. Topics we plan to cover on a regular basis include:
- Addiction/Mental Health/Recovery
- Clinical Topics and Research Developments
- Consulting and Outsourcing
- Healthcare Legislation and the Regulatory Environment
- Healthcare Real Estate, Design, Construction and Facility Management
- Education
- Eldercare
- Employment Issues
- Marketing and Communications
- Nursing
- Pediatric Healthcare
- Physical Therapy
- Practice Management
- Rehabilitation
- Technology
- Social Media
Editorial Calendar
- Mind & Body
- Weight Loss
- Diet & Nutrition
- Relationships, Balance & Harmony
- Caring for Aging Parents
- Stress & Anxiety
- Choosing Your Doctor
- Healthy Home
- Women’s Health
- Beauty
- Sexual Health
- Men’s Health
- Children’s Health
- Summer Travel Guide
- Oral Health
- Pet Health
- Eyecare
- Fitness Guide: Gym Memberships
- Mind & Body
- Weight Loss
- Diet & Nutrition
- Fall Travel Destinations
- Stress & Anxiety
- Long-term Care
- Health & Fitness
- Back to School
- Parenting Tips & Advice
- Mental Health
- Healthy Home
- Women’s Health
- Men’s Health
- Holiday Planning
- Staying Safe
- Children’s Health
- Pet Health
- New Year’s Resolutions