Tips for Handling Your Wisdom Teeth Pain

Tips for Handling Your Wisdom Teeth Pain

We don’t remember the pain of a new tooth coming through our gums because we were only babies when that happened. Once your wisdom teeth start to come in, you’ll be reminded of what that felt like. How do you handle your wisdom teeth pain? Use the following tips to provide relief until you can make an appointment with your dental provider.

Use a Cold Compress

Take a cold compress wrapped in a kitchen towel and press it to the corner of your jaw. The ice will reduce inflammation and swelling while numbing this area for pain relief. You should hold the ice pack on your face for at least twenty minutes for the full effect and do it every few hours as your pain persists.

Apply Clove Oil

One of the best ways to handle wisdom teeth pain is to apply clove oil on the tooth and gums with a cotton ball. Clove oil contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic that numbs your mouth and reduces inflammation. Soaking a small cotton ball in the oil is the best application method. Remove it after five minutes, and reapply whenever you feel pain and discomfort for instant relief.

Take Over-the-Counter Medication

Over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen, can temporarily reduce pain and inflammation. You should not use this medication long-term, but you can take it to manage your pain until your appointment—always follow the directions on the bottle. Do not abuse the medicine—it will hold you over until you can see your dentist to decide whether you need your wisdom teeth removed.

Swish With Saltwater

Salt dissolved in warm water is a great cleaning agent to promote healing around your wisdom teeth and to remove any debris irritating your gums around the tooth. Fill a glass with warm water, mix in a teaspoon of salt, swish for one minute, and then spit out the solution. Rinse your mouth with this mixture a few times throughout the day to relieve your pain. Remember never to swallow the water!

Wisdom teeth pain can be unbearable, especially when the tooth is impacted. Use the above methods to hold your pain at bay until you can see a dental provider to determine the best course of action for your treatment.