Unlocking the Path to College: Your Guide to Navigating Post-Graduation Questions

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Navigating the path to higher education can often feel like exploring uncharted territory. As high school students approach graduation, a flurry of questions about the next steps can arise, from understanding the college admissions process to deciding whether to attend a college fair.

Fortunately, resources and guidance are closer than you might think, right within the walls of your high school. Below, I discuss some of the most pressing questions students face as they transition from high school to college.

Whether you’re wondering who to turn to for advice, deciphering the difference between the ACT and SAT, or considering the benefits of attending a college fair, we’ve got you covered.

Q: Who can help me with post-graduation questions at my high school?

A: The majority of schools, including Georgia, require there to be a counselor. These counselors are trained to assist you with academic questions throughout your high school experience, and through the college admissions process. Even if you have not had contact with your counselor throughout high school, they can be your best resource for questions regarding anything about the college process!

Q: What are the ACT and SAT? Do I need to take them both?

A: The ACT and the SAT are the two major college admissions tests that are offered in America. These exams are very lengthy exams that give and idea of the students’ knowledge to colleges through a score. A majority of colleges do require test scores to be submitted, although you can find some that do not. I recommend taking the exam at least once, so you can have a score to submit if a college needs it. While you do not need to take both exams, it is helpful to take both, so you know which one you score better on. The ACT tests students on knowledge that they learned during high school, and is scored on a scale from 0-36. The SAT test students as a predictor of what students may be capable of learning. This exam is scored on a scale from 0-1600. While these tests can be overwhelming, there are many ways to prepare.

Q: Should I go to a college fair?

A: College fairs are events put on by various organizations that feature admissions counselors or representatives from various colleges. These fairs are a great way to learn about a lot of schools quickly. Colleges also sometimes keep track of who attends fairs, and it may help you in the admission process.

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Kenzie Felix

Kenzie Felix is a freshman at Belmont University majoring Audio Engineering Technology. If you have any questions you would like her to address, please email Harvey Kart at hdkart@aol.com.