The Various Benefits of TMS Treatment

The Various Benefits of TMS Treatment

Depression is a challenging disorder to endure, and it’s all too common. Most Americans will experience a bout of depression at least once in their lives. It can occur for various reasons, including an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. That’s why depression can seem to come out of nowhere at times. People can have every reason to be happy, but they still feel sad, guilty, lethargic, and frustrated.

Luckily, there are various forms of treatment for depression. One that has grown in popularity recently is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which has also been used to treat dementia, OCD, anxiety, and more. Keep reading to discover the various benefits of TMS treatment.

A Noninvasive, Outpatient Procedure

TMS involves stimulating the areas of your brain that control mood. A medical professional will use wires to create a magnetic field. They will then place the wire coils on your head to transfer the energy into your brain.

It’s completely painless and noninvasive. No anesthesia is necessary, and the whole process only takes a few minutes.

It’s also an outpatient procedure, meaning you won’t have to stay the night in a hospital. All you do is show up, receive your treatment, and go about your day. If you’ve been looking for a simple way to treat your depression, TMS may be the solution.

Improved Sleep

A considerable side effect of depression is insomnia. Patients tend to toss and turn at night, worrying about problems instead of sleeping. It’s a huge issue that can lead to poor work performance, irritability, and weight gain.

Luckily, TMS therapy can help you improve your sleep patterns. The stimulation you receive from the wires can help you relax during the night instead of beginning to worry.

Decreased Feelings of Guilt and Sadness

If your depression seems to have no cause, TMS may relieve your feelings of sadness and guilt. It’s common for depression patients to suddenly feel guilty or sad. It’s believed that this is due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.

TMS therapy is thought to correct this imbalance. That way, you won’t find yourself feeling guilty over anything or crying out of the blue.

A Renewed Interest in Life

Another common side effect of depression is a loss of interest in everything. Suddenly, your hobbies don’t interest you, food doesn’t taste good, and you have no interest in engaging in your relationships. TMS therapy can be effective at helping you relearn why you love the things you value in life.

By now, you should have a better understanding of what TMS treatment is and how it works. It’s a way to stimulate your brain to elevate your mood and relieve symptoms of depression. It’s a painless procedure that only takes a few moments, and it’s noninvasive. If other methods have brought you no relief, TMS is worth considering.